Ridge to Rivers & River Sober Living team up to restore trails in the foothills

Publish date: 2024-07-02

There is a growing concern about the condition of the trails in the foothills around Boise.

Part of this is due to weather, another part is misuse.

On Saturday, Ridge to Rivers and River Sober Living teamed up to restore trails in the foothills.

Volunteers were invited to help repair trail damage caused by winter weather, negligence, and erosion.

Around 25 volunteers spent the day fixing trails and planting trail-side vegetation to help prevent further erosion.

One volunteer said it is essential to raise awareness about the misuse of our trails.

"Individuals will come out with bicycles or do some trail running in those muddy conditions and it creates deep ruts and it creates footprints," said Brandt Gibson, River Sober Living founder said.

On top of avoiding the trails when they are muddy, Gibson recommends people don't run on the edge of the trails to avoid mud, because that can cause further erosion and damage to vegetation.

Anyone interested in joining the effort can email brandt@riversoberliving.com, or call 208.576.9527.
